Filed under Pasta

Asian-Style Stir Fry with Chicken

The thing I love most about cooking is preparing a food or type of food that someone says they don’t care for, serving it to them the way I like it, and hearing how much they love it. If there were ever an ego booster for me, that’d be it! I did that tonight…My 14 … Continue reading

Venison Chili

We had some crazy storms about a week and a half ago and my cousin and her family suffered the worst from it, they lost power for almost a week. They decided to do the smart thing right away and clear out their deep freezer and give away some of their food because it would … Continue reading

Southwest Mac N Cheese

Yesterday evening, my husband had a couple friends over to “jam”. Basically, my husband and a couple friends come over, head to the basement with all their music gear and have some sort of music jam session. Yesterday’s choice was funk! It sure was fun to feel the floor shaking with good vibrations under my … Continue reading